Eddie Vedder Wife Reacts To Dave Abbruzzese Feud


Eddie Vedder’s wife Jill recently uploaded a photo of him with an injured hand in the 90’s, and she’s now explained that it was from an accident with fired Pearl Jam drummer Dave Abbruzzese. Jill was also asked about Abbruzzese’s issues with the band since his dismissal, which include his snub from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Running28_ commented on Instagram, “Sweet! I remember seeing a picture like this before. I was worried about his hand injury.”

Jill Vedder responded, “He hit the cymbal as Dave was hitting the cymbal and there was a bad connection .. split his hand .. all in the name of rock.”

Running28 shot back, “Hh wow! Sorry that happened. Glad he made a full recovery.”

eddie4paws said, “Rumor is that wasn’t their only bad connection. Lol.”

Jill responded, “I don’t know any of that .. everyone had their place and purpose .. lots of great music came out of those times then and now .. I won’t crap on anyone ever in this band .. I enjoy what they all have given us through all the years 🙂 brothers no matter what .. it takes a village.”